What is child abuse? A child is abused or neglected when he/she is injured by the intentional acts or omissions of an adult.
Below are examples of abuse and neglect:
- physical or mental injury
- excessive corporal punishment
- sexual offenses
- failure to supply food, clothing, shelter, education or medical care
- abandonment
- encouraging delinquency
- substantial risk of abuse or neglect
How to report child abuse:
Call the Department of Human Resources (DHR) if the suspected perpetrator is:
- child’s parent, guardian or foster parent
- operator, employee or caregiver of a public or private residential home, institution, agency or childcare facility
- adult who has assumed the role of or responsibility of a parent or guardian for the child (does not necessarily have legal custody)
Report to local law enforcement if the suspected perpetrator is not responsible for the child’s welfare. Examples include:
- occasional babysitter
- neighbor
- stranger
- leader in youth organization
- Family member other than parent, guardian or foster parent.
Local contact numbers:
Jefferson County DHR: 205-423-4850 Jeff Co. Sheriff 205-325-5700
Shelby County DHR: 205-669-3086 Shelby Co. Sheriff 205-669-4181
St. Clair County DHR 205-812-2100 St. Clair County Sherriff 205-594-2140
Walker County DHR: 205-387-5420 Walker Co. Sheriff 205-302-6464
Blount County: DHR 205-274-5200 Blount Co. Sheriff 205-625-4133