First Teacher Program
The First Teacher Program is a FREE in home parent education and family support program utilizing the Parents as Teachers (PAT) curriculum. This program serves families throughout pregnancy until their child turns five (5) years of age and provides developmental, hearing and vision assessments.
Being a parent is hard work. In the first few years, children learn more and at a faster pace than at any other time in their life. You help shape your child’s future through the experiences you provide. Your baby was born to learn, and as a parent, you are your child’s first and most important teacher. Parents are supported by PAT-certified parent educators trained to translate scientific information on early brain development into specific when, what, how, and why advice for families. By understanding what to expect during each stage of development, parents can easily capture the teachable moments in everyday life to enhance their child’s language development, intellectual growth, social development and motor skills.
As a FIRST TEACHER family, you receive:
· Personal Visits-during which your parent educator will share age-appropriate child development and parenting information,
help you learn to observe your child and address your parenting concerns.
· Parent Group Meetings-are opportunities to share information about parenting issues and child development. Parents learn
and support each other, observe their children with other children and practice parenting skills.
· Screenings-are utilized to assess your child’s overall development as well as health, hearing, and vision.
· Resource Network-Links your family to other community services.
· Baby Bucks Program- this is an incentive program for you to earn essential baby and maternity items! Baby Bucks can be
earned by keeping scheduled visits, attending group meetings and community fairs. Baby Bucks can by baby clothes, diapers,
wipes, car seats, strollers, gift cards and more.